# |
type |
message |
1 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signin" (/guard/login) |
2 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signout" (/guard/logout) |
3 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_filter" (/guard/users/filter.:sf_format) |
4 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_batch" (/guard/users/batch.:sf_format) |
5 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user" (/guard/users.:sf_format) |
6 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_new" (/guard/users/new.:sf_format) |
7 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_create" (/guard/users.:sf_format) |
8 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_edit" (/guard/users/:id/edit.:sf_format) |
9 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_update" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
10 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_delete" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
11 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_show" (/guard/users/:id.:sf_format) |
12 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_object" (/guard/users/:id/:action.:sf_format) |
13 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_user_collection" (/guard/users/:action/action.:sf_format) |
14 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password" (/guard/forgot_password) |
15 | sfPatternRouting | Connect sfDoctrineRoute "sf_guard_forgot_password_change" (/guard/forgot_password/:unique_key) |
16 | sfPatternRouting | Match route "product" (/:sf_culture/product/:slug) for /fr_FR/product/emulsion-de-bain-ou-bain-moussant with parameters array ( 'module' => 'product', 'action' => 'show', 'sf_culture' => 'fr_FR', 'slug' => 'emulsion-de-bain-ou-bain-moussant',) |
17 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" |
18 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "SwitchLanguageFilter" |
19 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () |
20 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, l.country AS l__country, l.name AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
21 | sfFilterChain | Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" |
22 | productActions | Call "productActions->executeShow()" |
23 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.author AS p__author, p.type AS p__type, p.name AS p__name, p.size AS p__size, p.weight AS p__weight, p.weight_from AS p__weight_from, p.weight_to AS p__weight_to, p.color AS p__color, p.render AS p__render, p.box AS p__box, p.status AS p__status, p.descr AS p__descr, p.mobile_recomended AS p__mobile_recomended, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.title AS p__title, p.description AS p__description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product p WHERE (p.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (emulsion-de-bain-ou-bain-moussant) |
24 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, p.category_id AS p__category_id, p.product_id AS p__product_id FROM category c LEFT JOIN product_category p ON c.id = p.category_id WHERE (p.product_id IN (?)) - (895) |
25 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT f.product_id AS f__product_id, f.products_features_id AS f__products_features_id, f.position AS f__position FROM feature_map f WHERE (f.product_id = ?) - (895) |
26 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.product_id AS p__product_id, p.features_id AS p__features_id, p.pointer_x AS p__pointer_x, p.pointer_y AS p__pointer_y, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at FROM products_features_dd p WHERE (p.product_id = ?) - (895) |
27 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.product_id AS p__product_id, p.related_id AS p__related_id FROM product_relations p WHERE (p.product_id = ?) ORDER BY p.position DESC - (895) |
28 | Doctrine_Connection_Mysql | query : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.author AS p__author, p.type AS p__type, p.name AS p__name, p.size AS p__size, p.weight AS p__weight, p.weight_from AS p__weight_from, p.weight_to AS p__weight_to, p.color AS p__color, p.render AS p__render, p.box AS p__box, p.status AS p__status, p.descr AS p__descr, p.mobile_recomended AS p__mobile_recomended, p.translated_from AS p__translated_from, p.title AS p__title, p.description AS p__description, p.overwrite_title AS p__overwrite_title, p.overwrite_description AS p__overwrite_description, p.overwrite_slug AS p__overwrite_slug, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at, p.slug AS p__slug FROM product p WHERE (p.id IS NULL) - () |
29 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.author AS p__author, p.name AS p__name, p.shop_url AS p__shop_url, p.select_name AS p__select_name, p.jba_index AS p__jba_index, p.packshot AS p__packshot, p.position AS p__position, p.master AS p__master, p.buy_now AS p__buy_now, p.status AS p__status, p.product AS p__product, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at FROM product_variant p WHERE (p.product = ? AND p.status = ?) ORDER BY p.position ASC - (895, 1) |
30 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.lang AS s__lang, s.name AS s__name, s.description AS s__description, s.logo AS s__logo, s.url AS s__url, s.status AS s__status, s.position AS s__position, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM store s WHERE (s.lang = ? AND s.status = ?) ORDER BY s.position ASC - (fr_FR, 1) |
31 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT p.id AS p__id, p.lang AS p__lang, p.name AS p__name, p.title_first AS p__title_first, p.description_first AS p__description_first, p.image_first AS p__image_first, p.url_first AS p__url_first, p.title_second AS p__title_second, p.description_second AS p__description_second, p.image_second AS p__image_second, p.url_second AS p__url_second, p.status AS p__status, p.created_at AS p__created_at, p.updated_at AS p__updated_at FROM product_box p WHERE (p.id = ?) - (461) |
32 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/showSuccess.php" |
33 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft < ? AND c.rgt > ?) AND c.level >= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.rgt asc - (3324, 3325, 1, 3300) |
34 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (1322) |
35 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (12) |
36 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, p.product_variant_id AS p__product_variant_id, p.sf_asset_id AS p__sf_asset_id, p.sort_order AS p__sort_order FROM sf_asset s LEFT JOIN product_variant_rotation p ON s.id = p.sf_asset_id WHERE (p.product_variant_id IN (?)) - (1920) |
37 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/product/templates/_rotation.php" |
38 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (1121) |
39 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (21) |
40 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (1146) |
41 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (21) |
42 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (376) |
43 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (21) |
44 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (377) |
45 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (21) |
46 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (526) |
47 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (21) |
48 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (2334) |
49 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (21) |
50 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (1251) |
51 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (15) |
52 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.folder_id AS s__folder_id, s.filename AS s__filename, s.copyright AS s__copyright, s.type AS s__type, s.filesize AS s__filesize, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_asset s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (1252) |
53 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.relative_path AS s__relative_path, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at, s.lft AS s__lft, s.rgt AS s__rgt, s.level AS s__level FROM sf_asset_folder s WHERE (s.id = ?) - (15) |
54 | main | Call "home->executeAboutAppFooter()" |
55 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_aboutAppFooter.php" |
56 | sfPHPView | Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
57 | sfPHPView | Render "sf_app_dir/templates/layout.php" |
58 | main | Call "cookies->executeStatisticCookies()" |
59 | main | Call "cookies->executeMarketingCookies()" |
60 | main | Call "cookies->executePersonalizationCookies()" |
61 | main | Call "widgety->executeTopMenu()" |
62 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.type = ?) ORDER BY c.id ASC LIMIT 1 - (fr_FR, 4) |
63 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (3351, 3362, 2, 3300) |
64 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, c.image AS c__image, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.week_of_pregnancy AS c__week_of_pregnancy, c.title AS c__title, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON c.id = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN (?)) - (3307) |
65 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_topMenu.php" |
66 | main | Call "lang->executeChooseLanguage()" |
67 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT l.id AS l__id, l.culture AS l__culture, l.country AS l__country, l.name AS l__name, l.original_name AS l__original_name, l.status_backend AS l__status_backend, l.status_frontend AS l__status_frontend, l.status_temp AS l__status_temp, l.created_at AS l__created_at, l.updated_at AS l__updated_at FROM lang l WHERE (l.status_frontend = ?) - (1) |
68 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/lang/templates/_chooseLanguage.php" |
69 | main | Call "category->executeMainMenu()" |
70 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.level = ? AND c.is_public = ?) ORDER BY c.id ASC LIMIT 1 - (fr_FR, 0, 1) |
71 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (3300, 3363, 1, 3300) |
72 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.lang AS s__lang, s.name AS s__name, s.description AS s__description, s.logo AS s__logo, s.url AS s__url, s.status AS s__status, s.position AS s__position, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM store s WHERE (s.lang = ? AND s.status = ?) ORDER BY s.position ASC - (fr_FR, 1) |
73 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.slug = ?) LIMIT 1 - (emulsion-de-bain-ou-bain-moussant) |
74 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.redirect_url_internal LIKE ? AND c.lang = ?) - (@product%, fr_FR) |
75 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/category/templates/_mainMenu.php" |
76 | main | Call "widgety->executeFooter()" |
77 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.type = ?) ORDER BY c.id ASC LIMIT 1 - (fr_FR, 3) |
78 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE ((c.lft > ? AND c.rgt < ?) AND c.level <= ? AND c.root_id = ?) ORDER BY c.lft asc - (3347, 3350, 2, 3300) |
79 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.lang AS c__lang, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.ancestor AS c__ancestor, c.image AS c__image, c.name AS c__name, c.short AS c__short, c.content AS c__content, c.content_type AS c__content_type, c.week_of_pregnancy AS c__week_of_pregnancy, c.title AS c__title, c.description AS c__description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.user AS c__user, c.published_by AS c__published_by, c.search_keywords AS c__search_keywords, c.publish_me AS c__publish_me, c.date_start AS c__date_start, c.date_stop_unlimited AS c__date_stop_unlimited, c.date_stop AS c__date_stop, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at, c.slug AS c__slug, c.version AS c__version, c.status AS c__status, c2.category_id AS c2__category_id, c2.content_id AS c2__content_id FROM content c LEFT JOIN category_content c2 ON c.id = c2.content_id WHERE (c2.category_id IN (?)) - (3305) |
80 | Doctrine_Connection_Statement | execute : SELECT c.id AS c__id, c.name AS c__name, c.claim AS c__claim, c.image AS c__image, c.redirect_url AS c__redirect_url, c.redirect_url_internal AS c__redirect_url_internal, c.lang AS c__lang, c.user AS c__user, c.valid_content_types AS c__valid_content_types, c.is_deletable AS c__is_deletable, c.is_dragable AS c__is_dragable, c.max_children AS c__max_children, c.seo_title AS c__seo_title, c.seo_description AS c__seo_description, c.overwrite_title AS c__overwrite_title, c.overwrite_description AS c__overwrite_description, c.overwrite_slug AS c__overwrite_slug, c.order_children AS c__order_children, c.icon_class AS c__icon_class, c.is_public AS c__is_public, c.type AS c__type, c.translated_from AS c__translated_from, c.font_color AS c__font_color, c.logo_small AS c__logo_small, c.root_id AS c__root_id, c.lft AS c__lft, c.rgt AS c__rgt, c.level AS c__level, c.slug AS c__slug, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at AS c__updated_at FROM category c WHERE (c.lang = ? AND c.level = ? AND c.is_public = ? AND (c.type = ? OR c.type = ?)) ORDER BY c.lft ASC - (fr_FR, 1, 1, 1, 10) |
81 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/widgety/templates/_footer.php" |
82 | main | Call "home->executeCookies()" |
83 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_cookies.php" |
84 | main | Call "home->executeSlideout()" |
85 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/home/templates/_slideout.php" |
86 | main | Call "cookies->executePopup()" |
87 | sfPartialView | Render "sf_app_dir/modules/cookies/templates/_popup.php" |
88 | sfWebResponse | Send status "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" |
89 | sfWebResponse | Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" |